市内の高校卒業後、アメリカ、ワシントン州のSeattleから約1時間ほどのところにあるCollegeにてEarly Childhood Education(幼児教育)を専攻。
卒業後は、現地の幼稚園にAssistant Teacherとして勤務。 その他、レストランでウェイトレスをしたり、アートギャラリーに勤めたりたりと、アメリカで充実した生活を4年間楽しんできました。それもこれも、英語のおかげです。
帰国後は、いくつかの子供英会話スクールにて、教師の教育担当等に携わった他、玩具メーカーや商社の販売部門で海外取引を担当。 メーカーでは、「販売」部門に所属し、「マーケティング」分野についても多く学びました。(マーケティングビジネス実務検定C級取得)
SPICY ENGLISHのレッスン以外にも、静岡朝日テレビカルチャースクールの講師や、お子様向けの英語リトミックの講師、その他様々な翻訳のお仕事もさせていただいております。TOEIC 900点以上。
また現在2歳になる娘を国産バイリンガルにしたく、挑戦中^ ^
Hi, I’m Mika.
I was born and raised in Shizuoka, and still live in Shizuoka, Japan.
After graduating from highschool in my hometown, I went to the United States to study English and a lot more. The place where I used to live in the states is a small city called Mt.Vernon, about an hour drive from Seattle. I went to college there, majored in Early Childhood Education. It was such a nice college and I loved it. ( and, Yes, I was in the states when 911 happened…)
As I finished the college, I got a work permission for a year. So I worked for the preschool in town as an assistant teacher. Also worked as a waitress at the Thai restaurant, and even worked at the art gallery!
This 4 year-American life was full of experiences and means A LOT to me. It could be the reason why I am here now. I’ve been always in the environment where I could relate myself in some way to my English language skill even after I came back to Japan. For example, I worked for several kids English schools and video game industry, being in charge of overseas sales section. As I was belonging to the “sale section” for the longest time, I learned that “marketing” strategy was the most important thing for business. So I’ve learned a lot about it. I actually find it very interesting, and believing that my ideas based on marketing will help in so many ways when I work with you.
Now I am on freelance basis specialized in English ↔ Japanese services. Please feel free to contact me any time. Thanks!